Monday, July 25, 2011


Weekend started happily but ended up with some unexpected mood. Oh well, not gonna share what happened coz it is something that I would never want to mention it again.

Alright, back to topic. The title doesn't mean that life here or studies are as easy as ABC.

I make it stands for "And I am in Melbourne, surrounded by Beer and Chocolate" =)

Went to try Max Brenner on Saturday night with Sarah. Both of us decided not to follow the group to St. Kilda's Beach to spot penguins as both of us were freezing cold, even at home. So yeah, we walked to Melbourne Central and try the hot chocolates. It has high reputation and we always see crowds.

I tried the milk chocolate, Sarah ordered white chocolate and we shared a waffle.

My milk chocolate was really satisfying. Heart melted with a sip of chocolate. Ok, I need to admit that I'm a bit exaggerating. Chocolate is my new favourite! Not to forget to mention about the chocolate waffle. It was really really nice! And, you will feel guilty after eating them coz the chocolate will fill up every single space of your mouth. =P
* so this is the chocolate waffle!!*
*My Milk Chocolate*

About beer, I tried once in Red Scooter party and I had another one glass today with my dinner. That's specifically for beer. I've tried wines and vodka also.

Liquors are always much cheaper than fruit juices or other non-alcoholic beverages. It costs me 2 bucks as an add-on to get the glass of beer today.


It is obvious that I'm not having a healthy life here. XP

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