Friday, May 23, 2014

Song to share: Malaysia Chabor by Joyce Chu 四叶草

Few days back, I watched a video about Namewee composing a song on the spot for Joyce Chu (one of the RedPeople). At the end of the video, there's a preview of Joyce Chu's music video for that song. I'm quite interested to watch that video and it was released few hours ago! Woohoo!!

The song is about that famous girl, always being called a korean, trying to tell the whole world that she's from Malaysia. The song title itself tells everything -- Malaysia Chabor (Malaysian Girl).
[Just for your information, just in case you aren't from Malaysia, Chabor is Hokkien, which means Girl.]

I find the melody is cute and it sticks to my brain since I watched Namewee's video few days back. For the singer, she's cute too! Not to say that this is a very amazing song, but it is something cute to share. =D

Enjoy the video!

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