Thursday, May 8, 2014

Graduation - the next stage of life __ Part 2

Continue from Part 1, I have more people to thank in this post. 

The Exchange Gang!
From left: Rei Zhong (a.k.a. Bunny), Calvin, me, Jia Ming, Noel
Finally, all of us (the exchange gang) graduated! *claps* 
Bunny: Thanks for coming yea! So glad to know you during exchange and we can keep in touch till today. I remember both of us are travel marathon-ers back in Aussie. XD Stay fit and stylo! Keep traveling. =D Thanks for meeting me when I made you said "Again?!".
Calvin: Congratulations to you!! All the best in future undertakings. Keep traveling and keep climbing! Keep in touch k k k!
Jia Ming: Thanks for coming and million thanks for the flowers. So pink! =) Thanks for being such a good friend of mine and always catch up with me whenever I dropped by KL.

Noel: Thanks for coming!! You never say NO when we ask for outing. You will try your best to come out. I treasure you as a friend. Keep in touch!!

Max Max!
Thanks for coming! Our graduation ceremony was just one day apart. Such a coincidence. XD Man! I've known you for so long (4 years?). You're always there for me when I have trouble or when I'm bored. I remember we were dinner-mates for quite a while until I'm lazy to walk out. haha.. Without you, hostel gang won't be so happy. Keep in touch! Take care!

Jean Jean!!
So HAPPY to see you darling! Thanks for making time to our graduation ceremony. I can never hug you enough. You'll finish your hardship soon! Hang in there! I still remember that we were roommate for a night during transition camp. Although we had a bit of "argument", we still sayang each other now. Hehe... Talk to me whenever you have problems or updates or when you miss me. =D Love u!!!

Group picture!
Dai lou!! You're really our dai lou and can always calm us down. We love you and Dai Sou Vivian. Enjoy PRP!! And WE are waiting...........

Amelia!! Exchange mate! I missed our traveling time in Aussie, especially the road trip in Tasmania. But we hardly be super close in class but you know I'll be here for you when you need me. Take Care!! Enjoy your time in Johor! Wait for me to visit you! 
Jie Min!! Hey dear! If this post were to be written before Taiwan Trip, things may be different. XD Be a good photographer and enjoy life by capturing moments. We are strong women as we can carry our own babies (camera). All the best in HKL! Stay strong and stay sweet soon. =D Love u!

Yen Yee!!
Pretty girl! You're so busy during graduation. Hardly find a photo of you in my camera. XD Well, I'm really glad to meet such a kind lady like you. So gentle and sweet. Maintain it! Good luck for PRP! We can do it! I miss talking to you. Can we have a face-to-face conversation soon???

Thanks for coming even though you're busy with work! Travel-mate! When are we traveling together again? Really glad to meet you during exchange time. Without you, things might be different. I may not explore so many places. =D Love u!

Hostel Gang

Jia Kee!! We always have many stories to share. Our pillow talk can last till 5am (Amazing!). Take care and feel free to buzz me anytime. So glad to have you as housemate in Penang and Sunway. We have "yuen fen"! I really believe that. And thanks for the graduation gift!!

Gift from Sinnah
Sinnah!!! Thanks for your gifts! So sweet!!! How can I not treasure such a sweet, cute and smart girl? You must take good care in Sabah alright! Hostel gang! I remember all our sweet moments. =D You remember blue blue (蓝蓝)? 

Another gift from Penang babes.
They are really sweet! Though they can't make it to the ceremony, we still meet up the day before and the day after the ceremony. So happy to meet all of you, especially long lost ms xuen xuen. Take care! I can't wait to catch up again! =3 =3

Still got plenty of gifts. From mom, from grandma, from aunt, from kai gor, from Su Su. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!! I'll work hard in Kedah. XD

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