Monday, March 10, 2014

Don't be lazy

Holiday is a little too long now, where are you my posting letter?
If you aren't coming, can you give me some money instead? 
So I can go travel, I can experience new things, meet new friends, be more grateful.

Getting lazier and crazier day by day.
Not doing any reading.
But I focus on my food and travel blog, at least I write. 
Have you read it? Show some support please! =D

I need to read, from this week onward. 
Eyeing on the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" and also "Fifty Shades of Grey".
Should I buy? or where can I borrow them? 
Ahhhh.... I'm even lazy to think about such easy stuff.
Will post about my reading, to share good books with everyone, you, my friend =)

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