Sunday, August 15, 2010


Oh great!
I've presentation tomorrow!
Nothing to be happy because my presentation exceeds 5 minutes and I've no idea how to cut it. T.T
And, I talked like a retarded person during practice. Pauses occur here and there.
I can't afford to act like this in front of my favourite lecturer.
I still have time to practice. *trying to calm myself down*
Good luck to me and all my classmates!
Week 5! shall be a great one since we don't have class on Friday. hehe..

PS: I'll be back in Taiping soon! I can't stop myself from smiling to the bus ticket everytime I open my drawer. =) Don't think I'm crazy.


Amie See said...

Same lo! I'm very scared of tomorrow! D<

Lol, good luck Xin Rou!! :D
Ai, I still got Malaysian studies on fri T.T

Unknown said...

Good luck to you too Amie!!
Nevermind, your family members are here with you. I'm a bit homesick d. haha.
Anyway, I thought you taking malaysian studies during summer. paiseh paiseh. =P
